sarah kramer, vegan chef, swell photographer and all around neat-o person (or so she seems) has this dog named fergus... fergus is incredibly cute. he has a parka. he looks super cute in his parka... dublin, who is the tops on my list of cutest dogs on the planet... just isn't photogenic... and i swear, it's not just me, because i've taken hundreds of pictures of him and not a single one has ever done him justice... ok, there's one picture from his puppy days that did him justice, but every other photo since then has been not even close to the cute-osity that he contains...
dublin as a pup in his best picture ever...
fergus in his parka, looking adorable as always...
Don't get any ideas, Raphie... I'm NOT gonna wear a parka...
...And by the way, I for a fact know that Fergus has had some work done on himself in the not too distant past--the vain canine.
dubbie do is always cute in my book
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