

i feel like a workout slacker...
saturday i did 20 minutes on the treadmill (instead of the usual 25)
and my 1000 steps on the stepper at level 5, then skipped the bike entirely and swam for half an hour, but not laps or anything productive... we just messed around in the lazy river, etc...

today i tried to make up for it a little bit by doing 30 minutes on thr treadmill (i'm going .7 mph faster that when i started, too, for the record), did my 1000 steps on the stepper at level 5, skipped the bike and did like 30 seconds on the eliptical. sorry, but the eliptical is my kryptonite. one day, i'll be able to do 30 minutes on that thing, but umm, it's going to take months, i'm sure... we skipped swimming today because dana forgot a towel and i only had a wet towel that i'd forgotten to throw in the dryer. so yeah, feel kind of slacky and crappy...

it's good i guess that we did something everyday, butthe idea is to improve and do a little more everyday and i don't feel like i did that this weekend...

before the workout we hit up hayden's fantastic third birthday costume party. dana was a rag-doll, i was a pirate, autumn was a queen bee... hayden was a punk rocker. he got piles and piles of presents... some were big hits (like the hummer that plays "can't touch this") and others were duds (the pancake mountain dvds)... but fun was had by all and little hadybug got another year older... there was some talk about "remember 3 years ago when we were in the waiting room", etc and it made me a bit sad, because while most of the people in the room were there that night, i wasn't... i was in florida, because i thought it would be cool to move or some crap. i missed out on little hayden's introduction to the world and there's no gettig that back... boo.


Anonymous said...

and i missed out on a third birthday.. i fuckin' hate how florida sucks you in...

Anonymous said...

what was wrong with the pancake mountain DVD's? I know Florida is always bad, but PM dvd's, i thought they were suppose to rock.
and what is this hummer toy?